Displaying Your Display Case
You now have the perfect display case, with the base and risers that you selected. You’ve invested in your memory’s future. Now, where do you put it? You don’t want to put it just anywhere.
You should put some thought into properly placing your miniature time capsule. If you have only one memory to display, you want it centered; it helps if objects around it are arranged in a symmetrical fashion. You don’t want to have your case displayed too high or too low. A shelf in the middle with accenting pieces adds just the right amount of focus.

Next, consider the lighting. You don’t want to have the light source coming at your case head on. Light coming from the side or at an angle illuminates what’s inside more effectively by creating shadows at the right areas. If you have a black base, more subdued lighting works better as bright light reflects off the glossy black acrylic. With a clear or white base, you can go with a brighter light. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different light sources and brightness of light! Play with it to get the effect that you want.
With multiple pieces, a little artistry will go a long way. Line them up by size and give the viewer a sense of flow. If you have three or more cases with wall mounts, you can set them up like steps, with the more cherished memories at the top. The best advice we can give you, though, is: Display your case the way you want!
Want some more ideas? Check out some of the photo reviews we've gotten or check out our Instagram where we regularly feature some great customer photos!