Yes, Memorial Day has come and gone, and now it's time for finals. High School students are starting to cram as they have their end of year finals coming up (or they are in the middle of them). Seniors are working to pass their finals and finish their classes to graduate or are celebrating that they are moving on from that part of their life and looking to be an adult. High School graduation is not just the end of their mandated schooling, it's a rite of passage that signifies that they are moving on to adulthood. And it's as important (if not more so) for their parents. All that aggravation and frustration in getting them there has paid off. And we can now kick them out of the house if we want (unless their mother says otherwise). I just found out a young man I used to coach in gymnastics (and is on the Autism spectrum) just graduated from High School! Big milestone for him and his family, and one I was glad to hear about.
But that's not the only finals that are happening right now. First there's the games for Lord Stanley's Cup. We have the St. Louis Blues-who are the oldest NHL Franchise NEVER to have hoisted the Cup-playing against the Boston Bruins-who are trying to bring the third championship of the year to Beantown (Boston could be going for the big four, but the Celtics couldn't get past the second round). We have several items to help you display your NHL fanboy or fangirl gear. We have display cases for helmets, pucks and skates and wall displays for pucks and sticks. The series stands at one game apiece, and I'm going to start watching these games. I haven't watched hockey since the Capitals got knocked out in the first round, but this looks to be a good series (of course why are we still playing hockey in the summer still escapes me...).
And then there are the NBA finals. There is the Philadelphia San Francisco Golden State (and I heard they may be changing location/name again! Or maybe they might just be moving across the Bay) Warriors who have won three of the last four championships, vs the Toronto Raptors for the first INTERNATIONAL NBA finals. A full list of all our basketball display items can be found on my blog on Basketball Display Cases (click the link to go there) where I cover balls, shoes, and hats. The Raptors are up 1-0 on the Warriors. I'm not sure if my wife (she doesn't want to be a sports widow, although I might be able to get away with the hockey) or my daughter (pre-empting her Nationals games may be difficult, especially since they are on a winning trend) will let me watch all of these games. (But, honey, I have to watch them for work!).
So, whether it's those high school moments (sports or otherwise) or the playoff run from your favorite team, you should cherish the memories. Remember, we want to help you Display Your Story!